Type ST
Topview on the rear side of the panel type ST
IMLTM-steel industrial floor panels are made and processed from one piece. Due to the special shape of the punched holes in the side bar, the plate is sharp-edged, which allows laying with small joints.
The arrangement of the cutouts also allows a wide and stable side bar and results in a stable corner design. Due to this strong connection between the top and the web of the plate, stiffening takes place both in the top of the plate and in the attachment and adhesion to the mortar.
Thereby shock and impact resistance of the IMLTM-steel industrial floor panels is particularly enhanced, avoiding tearing webs. Thus the special stability of the IMLTM-steel industrial floor panels is ensured.
Fields of application:
Areas that are strained by shocks, rolling and sliding
Laying the panels:
Using mortar, IMLTM-steel industrial floor panels are laid on concrete, being designed according to the expected strain. Thickness of the mortar: approx. 50mm. Further information cf. information on the installation.